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Heart's Desire

Heart's Desire by Andrea Boyd

A romantic comedy set in the south, Heart’s Desire shows what can happen when God is allowed to take the lead.


When Aiden Weaver allows the Couples Committee to pick his date to the New Year’s Eve ball, he promises himself it will only be a one-time deal. After one failed marriage, he isn’t interested in another long-term commitment. His resolve starts to crumble when he meets his date, Bailey. For whatever reason, his heart keeps pulling him back to her long after the dance is over.


Between her momma, who is determined to set her up with every man she comes in contact with, and her best friend, who seems set on sabotaging her every effort, Bailey Foster wonders if she is meant to be alone for the rest of her life. She’s determined to take it slow and let the right man come to her the next time—if he even exists. Despite her reservations, hope is rekindled when she meets Aiden and his two little girls.

If you'd like to see pictures of my inspiration for the characters and scenes in this book, check out my Pinterest board for Heart's Desire!

From the Author: Who among you have never had your heart broken? There may be a few, but most have experienced this multiple times. Most times, there’s an indication that it’s about to happen. And sometimes, you put everything you have into a relationship, you have no clue that you’re being set up for heartache, and suddenly—it just ends. There are no words to describe how you feel when this happens.

You may wonder why I’d write a story about such heartache and (try to) make it funny. I’m wondering the same thing. I was feeling sad for a friend who had experienced this type of unexpected misery for the second time. I prayed in earnest for her because I knew firsthand what she was going through. God said write it. So, I did. I was beyond surprised by the story that started pouring out on the computer screen.

I think the reason He had me write it this way is because when you’re sad, you want to read something uplifting. Don’t you? I know I do. Forgiving the one who hurt you is just one step in the healing process. Beneath the lightheartedness of this story, I hope this message of forgiveness still shines through.

Character Notes


Bailey Foster- the girl. Blond hair, hazel eyes. 28 when they meet. DOB- 1/1 Lives in Shiloh, attends Shiloh Baptist Church. 

Aiden Weaver- the guy. Blond hair, blue eyes. 29 when they meet. Lives in Bethel Ridge. Works at Weaver Dodge, attends Community Fellowship Church.

Kensli- oldest girl. Blonde hair, blue eyes. 4 when they meet.

Riley- youngest girl. Black hair, chocolate brown eyes. 18 months difference in age. 2 when they meet

Travis- Aiden’s father

Virginia- Aiden’s mother Presbyterian

Emma- Aiden’s sister

Hannah- Aiden’s sister

Jenna- Aiden’s ex. Blond hair, blue eyes

Caleb Palmer- Aiden’s friend, dark hair and eyes

Savannah Stallings- Caleb’s date to the ball.

Jason Hillis- Bailey’s ex-husband

Olivia- redhead who stole Jason away

Tristan Hillis- Jason’s son

Trinity Hillis- Jason’s sister


Sadie Harding- Bailey’s friend- short, Auburn hair, freckles

Macey Harding- Sadie’s sister and Bailey’s assistant.

Karen Harding- Sadie’s momma

Evan Brunson- Sadie’s date to the ball.

Aunt Ginger- real name Bertha Thompson

Jamie- Bailey’s momma

Connor- Bailey’s daddy

Preston- Bailey’s brother

Lauren- Bailey’s sil

William Grant- Bailey’s nephew- due 8/7

Winston- Bailey’s peekapoo.

Mayor Gavin Woodsley

Lilly- Aiden’s coworker- 19 year old with a crush

Shiloh school mascot- Blue Dragons

Robert Keller- Weaver Dodge employee.

Daphne Young- Aiden’s date from church.

Pastor Parker Odom- Aiden’s preacher

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